1. Ingres, Little Bather |

2. Ingres, Odalisque with Slave |

3. Ingres, Turkish Bath |

4. Delacroix, Odalisque |

5. Chasseriau, Reclining Odalisque |

6. Renoir, Odalisque |

7. Chasseriau, Harem Interior |

8. Gerome, Pool in a Harem |

9. Gerome, The Slave Market |

10. Gerome, Selling Slaves in Rome |

11. Rosati, Inspecting the New Arrivals |

12. Rosati, Picking the Favourite |

13. Lovis Corinth, The Harem |

14. Bridgman, An Eastern Beauty |

15. Bridgman, Summer Evening |

16. Bridgman, An Odalisque |

17. Joseph Douglas, An Odalisque |

18. Alma-Tadema, The Tepidarium |

19. de Nouy, Khosru's Dream |

20. Gerome, The Snake Charmer |